"we're having too much fun today ; we're not worried about tomorrow"

Friday, July 24, 2009

its a lil thing called . . .LIFE

its crazy how life occurs and you have in your mind how things are gonna be; so you become
comfortable with it. && then over time events occur && you see everything changing. then you
come to a crossroads where you have to make the decision to sit && wait in your comfort zone or
take that other road oblivious of whats to come. there's a name for these kind of occurances; its
called lifeee. && sometimes uu just dont kno what to do. eventually the decision will be made for
you; fate is inevitable. the challenge is adjusting and adapting to whatever's thrown at you.
experience is what you get when you didnt get what you wanted.

he ; me ; && she.

acidic tears fall. stripping away layers of melanin on a face so beautiful now stained with pain.

"and what does she gain?"

guilt and desperation ; to be the apple of one's eye shunning the only one who really matters. for too long has the scam gone on. ripping off love, joy, happiness, and opportunity. immune to the light because "me" would rather live in the dark lonely tunnels of lust and pain as long as "he" resides by her side.

&& in an instance "me" walks down to an opening and sees the wonders life has to offer. amazed at what she's missed out on ; she tries to step into the world she's been oblivious too.

"he" grabs her and fills her head with sweet nothing's - tightening the handicap on her heart. "me" is leaning and debating between the two as "he" yells "ii need you". he's all "me" has ever known, damn!

what does "me" doooo?!?!?!?!

in the shadows lingers "she" who "he" runs home too. "me" leaves a kiss on his cheek as a tear rolls down hers. "me" takes a look at "she" one last time ; whispered in his ear "you'll be fine".

"me" lets go and jumps into the world she never knew. story of MY life - to be continueeed.